St Paul’s SEND Ethos

In consultation between school staff, children, parents and governors the following ethos for pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities was decided:

We provide a high-quality, challenging and enriching education for all pupils, regardless of their special educational need and disability (SEND). Our pupils are encouraged to have high expectations for themselves. Our value of compassion impacts pupils to make adjustments for other children, especially those with SEND needs. We recognise that children learn in different ways, and through quality first teaching and individual support, our pupils feel valued, experience success and are prepared for the next steps in their educational journey.



At St Paul’s C of E Primary, we want to make sure that children are happy, secure and successful. Sometimes children or their families need extra help to make sure of this. There is a team of adults in school who organise and provide additional support for children, their parents and carers. As an inclusive school, we are deeply committed to removing the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils.



We recognise the full spectrum of Special Educational Needs and Disability, and meet the needs of all pupils through quality first teaching, targeted intervention, pastoral care and specialist support from outside agencies.

Please see our SEND provision map of the interventions we are currently offering in school to support learners who need some additional help.

Whole school provision

You can contact our Inclusion Lead, Carla Paylor on 02083684839 or via the the school office:

Please find below our SEND Information report:

Neurodiversity Celebration Week Assembly

Useful information about Barnet SEND support

The Barnet SEND Local Offer can be accessed at

This website helps children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families find the information and support they are looking for, from across the Barnet local area. The website is updated regularly.

Autism Support in Barnet from BELS

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Language Enrichment Programme for Parents and Carers, Spring Term 2025

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Build Positive Connections Workshop

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