At St Paul’s we have adopted a teaching for mastery approach in order to deepen the understanding and improve progress for all children. Pupils are encouraged to develop a broad and deep understanding of maths in order to provide an excellent foundation for all future maths learning.
We follow the concrete- pictorial- abstract (CPA) approach which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. Children (and adults!) can find maths difficult because it is abstract. The CPA approach builds on children’s existing knowledge by introducing abstract concepts in a concrete and tangible way. It involves moving from concrete materials, to pictorial representations, to abstract symbols and problems.
Our ‘diversity in Maths’ document shows some of the mathematicians of different ethnicity, age, race, ability and gender that the children will study while at St Paul’s School.
Mathematics Diversity Map 
Which curriculum does St Paul’s follow for mathematics?
At St Paul’s, we follow the National Curriculum for mathematics, supported by the Maths No Problem Singapore maths scheme. Please have a look on your child’s year group page to see the curriculum map and what they will be learning this year.
How do you teach calculation?
Please look through our calculation policy (to the top, left) which cover the four operations at each different year group and the progression through the methods. Please also watch these videos for a step by step guide to teaching calculations.
Number bonds
Bar modelling (how to solve word problems) part 1
Bar modelling (how to solve word problems) part 2
Column addition
Column subtraction
What about mental maths?
We are really keen to build up automatic recall of key maths facts. Our ‘Key Maths’ homework cards cover the key facts and skills that your child needs in order to gain maths fluency. Fluency is not solely about memorising and recalling facts; it also means being able to work flexibly and choose the most appropriate method for the problem at hand.
Please click on the colour card on the table below to open the document.
Year Group | Colour Card | Extension work colour card |
Reception | RED | ORANGE |
6 | PINK | WHITE |
In addition to the daily maths lesson, children also take part in a 10 minute ‘Maths Meeting’ with a focus on time, measure, shape, data handling and number. By recapping these topics regularly, it ensures that the concepts are secure in children’s long-term memory.
How do you teach times tables?
Children are taught to multiply following the Maths No Problem scheme.
Our Maths Professors (as voted for by the children!), quiz pupils on a weekly basis to see if they are confident and quick enough with their times table facts to earn a medal.
Bronze medal: 2, 5 and 10 times table facts
Silver medal: 3, 4, 6 and 8 times table facts
Gold medal: all times table facts up to 12 X 12
Mastery medal: All corresponding division facts
The three highest scoring girls and the three highest scoring boys on Times Table Rock Stars are celebrated in assembly each Friday, and in our half-termly newsletter.
What will happen if my child is struggling in maths?
If staff notice that a child is not working at age related expectation, or that they are making slow progress, this will be discussed with parents/ carers. Your child will be supported in class through quality-first teaching, adapted tasks and concrete apparatus such a dienes or Numicon. If staff are still concerned, they will talk to the school SENCo. Additional support for your child, such as extra times table practise or a number intervention group may be put into place.
What Else Can We Do To Support At Home?
In addition to practising the ‘Key Maths’ homework cards and the weekly homework sheet, each child has an individual login for Times Table Rock Stars.