We began the day with singer from St Paul’s Church who explained the wonders of an acoustic guitar and how to match pitch.

Most acoustic guitars have six strings. The most common variation on this is a 12-string guitar, where each string is doubled with another string sounding the identical pitch, creating a rich chorus effect. Acoustic guitar players produce sound with both their fingers and a pick.

Willow class were joined by Nursery and YR6 to use music to inspire movement in a latin dance workshop led by a Colombian native Pepe and his wife, Abby. Their enthusiasm and energetic music got the whole room on their feet. We learnt there is always a consistent 1-2-3-4 beat in the Samba and on the final beat,  pause to set up for the next set. The men use ‘strong hands’ and the women use ‘star hands’.

Willow Class enjoyed making sounds and experimenting on a range of brass instruments, with expert guidance.